Winston Churchill, Druid Witch
executed by the Round Table organizations, the brunt of the
Illuminati’s plan for the twentieth century depended significantly
on the assistance of the Salafi intriguers, beginning with the
destruction of the Ottoman Empire. More important still was the
role-played by the puppet-state of Saudi Arabia, which became the
sponsor of Salafi terrorism. The Saudis would become an important
linchpin in the Illuminati strategy to make the world dependent on
Rockefeller-controlled oil, thus not only increasing demand and
profits, but enhancing their strangle-hold over the world’s
governments and economies.
The primary agent in this agenda was Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was a descendant of the first famous member of the Churchill family, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Churchill’s legal surname was Spencer-Churchill, as he was related to the Spencer family, though, starting with his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, his branch of the family used the name Churchill in his public life. Randolph Churchill’s mother, like his grandfather’s wife, and his great-grandfather’s wife, was a Stewart, also descended from James Douglas. Winston Churchill’s mother was Jennie Jerome, daughter of American Jewish millionaire Leonard Jerome.[1]
Winston Churchill, a Scottish Rite Freemason, was eventually invested as Knight of the Order of the Garter. He was also a member of the Ancient Order of Druids, created by Wentworth Little, founder of the SRIA.[2] The famous “V for Victory” sign used by Churchill has been attributed to Aleister Crowley. At the request of his friend, naval intelligence officer Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond 007, Crowley provided Winston Churchill with valuable insights into the superstitions of the Nazis. Crowley suggested that Churchill exploit the Nazis’ magical paranoia by being photographed as much as possible giving the two-fingered “V for Victory” gesture, a powerful symbol of destruction and annihilation that, according to magical tradition, is capable of defeating the perverted solar energies represented by the Nazi swastika.[3]
As indicated in “The Rothchilds, Winston Churchill and the Final Solution”, by Clifford Shack, No naval issue would affect Britain’s foreign policy more than the crucial debate whether or not the Royal Navy should be converted from coal propulsion to oil.[4] Oil was not only superior to coal, but the French branch of the Rothschilds were, together with the Rockefellers, supreme rulers of the oil business, having entered into a world cartel with Standard Oil.
Lord Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild was a keen proponent of increases in the strength of the Royal Navy, for in 1888, the London house of Rothschild had issued shares worth £225,000 for the Naval Construction and Armaments Company. However, in order to provide the pretext to legitimize Britain’s increased spending for naval construction, the Rothschilds fabricated the threat of Germany’s naval build-up in the late nineteenth century. On July 1, 1911, Kaiser Wilhelm, a Rothschild front-man, sent a gunboat, called the Panther, steaming into the harbor at Agadir, on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, which was perceived as a direct challenge to British global positions.
Nathaniel Rothschild was an intimate friend of Lord Randolph Churchill, the father of Winston Churchill, who immediately after the Agadir crisis, was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty.[5] Churchill vowed to do everything he could to prepare Britain militarily for the “inescapable day of reckoning”. His charge was to ensure that the Royal Navy, the symbol of Britain’s imperial power, was to meet the German “challenge” on the high seas. According to Daniel Yergin’s Pulitzer prize winning book, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power:
One of the most important and contentious questions he faced was seemingly technical in nature, but would in fact have vast implications for the twentieth century. The issue was whether to convert the British Navy to oil for its power source, in place of coal, which was the traditional fuel. Many thought that such a conversion was pure folly, for it meant that the Navy could no longer rely on safe, secure Welsh coal, but rather would have to depend on distant and insecure oil supplies from Persia, as Iran was then known.[6]

The importance of guaranteeing a supply of oil for Britain’s navy had assumed centre stage, as oil had not yet been discovered in its Arab possessions in the Gulf. On June 17, 1914, Churchill introduced a bill proposing that the British government invest in an oil company, after which it acquired 51 percent of Anglo-Persian, which in actuality was already partially-owned by the British government, and was financed in part by the Rothschilds bank. Britain had acquired its first oil concession, and kept its involvement secret. By the summer of 1914, the British Navy was fully committed to oil and the British government had assumed the role of majority stockholder in Anglo-Persian. The company grew rapidly, first into Anglo-Iranian, and then finally into British Petroleum, or BP.
Anglo-Persian was not to be Britain’s sole supplier of oil, as Churchill stated to Parliament in 1913, “On no one quality, on no one process, on no one country, on no one route and on no one field must we be dependent. Safety and certainty in oil lie in variety, and variety alone.”[7] Germany had already expanded toward Turkey and South into Africa. But, Germany’s move eastward was restricted by Britain’s control of important sea lanes. Therefore, Germany struck a deal with the Ottoman Empire to build a railway from Berlin to Baghdad. The Round Table was especially alarmed about this agreement, as it would provide direct German access to the Middle East oil, bypassing the Suez Canal controlled by the British. Britain had earlier precluded extension of the railway to the Persian Gulf by secretly concluding an agreement with the Sabah clan, of Kuwait, another family of secret Jews, related to the Saudis through the Anza tribe, to establish Kuwait as a “British protectorate”, thus effectively sealing it off from the Ottoman Empire.
The last northern link of the railway
was in Serbia. History books record that World War I started when
the nations went to war to avenge the assassination of the Archduke
Francis Ferdinand, the heir-apparent to the Habsburg throne of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, top-level officials of European
Freemasonry met in Switzerland in 1912, during which it was decided
to assassinate the Archduke Ferdinand, in order to bring about World
War I.[8] The actual date on which the
date on which the murder was to be committed was postponed, as the
time was not yet considered appropriate. The act was finally
committed on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, by members of a Serbian
terrorist organization called the Black Hand, with ties to
Freemasonry. The Austro-Hungarian Empire then declared war on
Serbia, and WWI officially began.
The Federal Reserve
The further purpose of WWI was to create the preconditions for the Russian revolution of 1918, which was financed and orchestrated by Jacob Schiff, through Kuhn, Loeb and Company of New York, to overthrow the aristocracy. The result was to exact the Rothschilds’ revenge against Russian Czar Alexander I, for having thwarted their first attempt at world government at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. According to Albert Pike, the further aim was to transform Russia into a bastion of their atheistic communist creed, “to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religion.”[9]
When WWI was eventually mired in a
stalemate at the fronts of Europe, the Illuminati used their agent
President Woodrow Wilson to gain America’s entry into the war.
Wilson’s friend and “alter ego” was Rothschild agent Col. Edward
Mandell House. Col. House was a member of the Round Table, whose
projects for the US included a graduated income tax, a central bank,
creation of a Central Intelligence Agency, and the League of
Nations. According to the Col. E.M. House Report, a ten-page
“progress report”, addressed to British Prime Minister David Lloyd
George, Col. House details progress in preparing “for the peaceful
return of the American colonies to the dominion of the Crown.”
“Crown” refers, not to the Queen, but to the owners of the Bank of
England. Col. House writes: “We have wrapped this plan in the peace
treaty so that the world must accept from us the League or a
continuance of the war. The League is in substance the Empire with
America admitted on the same basis as our other colonies.”[10]
1911, prior to Wilson’s taking office as President, House had
returned to his home in Texas and completed a book called Philip
Dru, Administrator.
Ostensibly a novel, it was actually a detailed plan for the future government of the United States, “which would establish Socialism as dreamed by Karl Marx”, according to House.
It was published anonymously by B. W. Huebsch of New York, and widely circulated among government officials, who were left in no doubt as to its authorship.
The novel predicted the enactment of the graduated income tax, excess profits tax, unemployment insurance, social security, and a flexible currency system. In short, it was the blueprint which was later followed by the Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt administrations.
Louis Dembitz Brandeis
of the institutions outlined in Philip Dru was the Federal Reserve
System. The bankers had not been in a position to gain control of
the issuance of money from the government of the United States, to
whom it was designated through its Congress by the Constitution,
until the Congress granted them their monopoly for a central bank.
Therefore, much of the influence exerted to have the Federal Reserve
Act passed was done behind the scenes, principally by two
non-elected persons, Col. House and Paul Warburg, a Shabbatean, and
representative of the Rothschild dynasty in France and England.[11]
Effectively, the Federal System ceded the right to print money to
what was merely a legalized cartel of private banks, affiliated with
the Rothschilds in London, through the agency of the Warburgs,
Rockefellers, Kuhn-Loeb, and J.P Morgan.
House was responsible for Wilson’s
campaign that promised to keep the US out of the war. However, when
Wilson was presented with incriminating evidence of his illicit
relationship with a former colleague, he was forced to comply with
appointing Louis Dembitz Brandeis, to the Supreme Court.[12]
Brandeis, a leading Frankist, was head of world Zionism, when the
war forced the movement to move its headquarters to New York from
Berlin.[13] Then, Wilson, Mandel House,
J .P. Morgan and Winston Churchill conspired together to ensure that
the passenger ship, the Lusitania, would be sunk by a German U-boat.[14]
Finally, relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice
Brandeis, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress on
April 2, 1917. He appealed to Congress to declare war against
Germany and they did on April 7, 1917.
The League of Nations
At the
Paris conference, in January 1919, which culminated in the Treaty of
Versailles, the American delegation was headed by Paul Warburg. Paul
Warburg was the original Daddy Warbucks. His brother Max, of the
Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands, headed
the German delegation. The Warburgs had reached their financial
eminence during the years of the nineteenth century, with the growth
of Kuhn, Loeb Company, with whom they stood in a personal union and
family relationship.
Also in the American delegation were Walter Lippman, and brothers Allen and John Foster Dulles. Lloyd George was accompanied by Sir Philip Sassoon, a member of the British Privy Council, and direct descendant of Amschel Rothschild. The advisor to Georges Clemenceau, the French Prime Minister, was Georges Mandel, also known as Jeroboam Rothschild.[15]
Late in 1920, Churchill told Lloyd George that he wanted to move to another cabinet post. On February 14, 1921, Churchill was appointed Colonial Secretary. When he took over the Colonial Office, the Balfour declaration was part of his legacy. The text was prepared by Leo Amery, assistant secretary to the War Cabinet. Amery worked under the Rothschild front-man, Lord Milner, who was a member of the inner War Cabinet. The declaration was addressed to Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s son, Walter. The declaration proclaimed that the British government favored:
"The establishment of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of that object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.
negotiations at the Paris conference had been deviating from
Illuminati designs for the Middle East, Jacob Schiff sent President
Wilson a cable, that “instructed” him what to defend with regard to
the Palestine Mandate, German reparations and other issues, in the
name of the Association of the League of Free Nations.[16]
The creation of the League of Nations became a centrepiece of
Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” that he believed would, if made the basis
of a postwar peace, prevent future wars, and was eventually accepted
by the Paris conference. However, the intention of the Illuminati
was also to prepare the preconditions leading to WWII, by making
German acceptance of the terms intolerable.[17]
Therefore, despite Wilson’s best efforts, the Treaty of Versailles,
signed in June 1919, departed significantly from the Fourteen Points
of Wilson, leaving both the Germans and many Americans bitterly
Nevertheless, the League of Nations, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, did achieve one important Illuminati objective when it officially recognized the Soviet regime of their agents the Bolsheviks. It was Churchill who divulged:
From the days of Spartacus Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg, and Ema Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th Century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.[18]
Largely because of the efforts of Sen.
Henry Cabot Lodge, who saw through Wilson’s plan, the United States
didn’t join the League, and in 1921, made a separate peace treaty
with Germany and Austria. Weakened by the failure of the United
States to join, and the dissatisfaction of nations such as Japan,
Italy and Germany, the League failed. The League had little impact
on international affairs, and ceased to exist in when the United
Nations was established.
Illuminati then realized that America would not join any scheme for
world government without a change in public opinion. Therefore,
Round Table members Lionel Curtis, Balfour, Milner and others,
formed the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), for the
purpose of coordinating British and American efforts. Arnold Toynbee
later became director. They also formed an American branch, known as
the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded by Col. House, with
Rockefeller family funding, and including members like J.P. Morgan,
Paul Warburg, and Jacob Schiff.
In Tragedy and Hope, late CFR member Carroll Quigley, stated, “The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established.” Rear Admiral Chester Ward, for sixteen years a member of the CFR, warned of the organization’s ultimate intentions:
The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common — they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government.[19]
Fall of the Ottoman Empire
A further
purpose of the WWI was to cause the destruction of the Ottoman
Empire, in order to free the land of Palestine from its grasp,
leading to the creation of the Zionist state of Israel. After Prime
Minister of England, Lord Asquith, was deposed in 1916, because he
had opposed Zionist interests. David Lloyd George, whose career was
made as a lawyer for the World Zionist Organization, as well as
Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour of the Round Table, were placed
in power. Present at the first official meeting of the Political
Committee were Lord Rothschild, James de Rothschild, the son of
Edmund de Rothschild of Paris, former owner of Rothschild colonies
in Palestine, and Sir Mark Sykes. There, the future mandates of
Palestine, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Arabia, then still forming
parts of the Ottoman Empire, were discussed in detail.[20]
The Illuminati had also been agitating to undermine the Ottoman Empire from within. Jamal ud Din Al Afghani was part of the creation a Masonic political party, modeled on the Carbonari, named the Committee of Union and Progress, or the Young Turks. From the middle of the nineteenth century, the British had worked to develop an alliance between several leading Sufi orders in Turkey, such as the Beqtashi and the Naqshabandi, and the Scottish Rite Freemasons of Afghani and his followers. It was this alliance, sponsored by the British, that became the Young Turks.[21] The Young Turks led a revolutionary movement against the crumbling regime of the Ottoman sultan, Abdul Hamid II, which culminated in the establishment of a constitutional government in 1908, and ruled the Ottoman Empire until the end of World War I, in November 1918.
The preliminary, though unsuccessful military attack against the Ottoman Empire, was undertaken by Churchill, known as the Dardanelle campaign, aimed at taking Istanbul, the capital of the Empire. As Clifford Shack describes, however:
For a variety of reasons, history views his campaign as a failure. In reality, however it was a crowning success for the war planners. For not only did the Dardanelle campaign spell the beginning for the end of the Ottoman empire, but the feigned bungling of the operation set in motion a series of orchestrated events that would empower the Turks to execute the Armenian genocide. Eliminating the Armenian presence in the Baku oil region eliminated the ethnic conflict between the region’s Moslem majority which actually interrupted the oil production in 1905, when the oil fields were set ablaze.[22]
T.E. Lawrence "of Arabia"
further aggravate the situation against the Ottomans, Britain
deceptively employed the assistance of Sharif Hussayn of Mecca, who
belonged to the Hashimite dynasty, descendants of the Prophet, who
had traditionally administered the Haramayn, or two holy precincts
of Mecca and Medina. Sharif Hussayn was initially allied with the
Ottomans and the Germans, but he was dismayed by the increasing
discrimination against non-Turks of the Ottoman Empire by the Young
Turks. He was finally convinced by the British that his assistance
would be rewarded instead by the creation of an Arab empire,
encompassing the entire span between Egypt and Persia, with the
exception of imperial possessions and interests in Kuwait, Aden, and
the Syrian coast.
in accordance with the cunning duplicity that has always
characterized their foreign policy, the British offered him
assurances in contradiction to the designs they had in mind. The
British also renewed their special relationship with the Wahhabi
sect, and its leader, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud. Following the collapse of
the first Saudi insurgency at the hand of Mohammed Ali Pasha, the
Wahhabi movement was largely reconstituted, but internal disputes
over succession had brought about its demise in 1891 Ibn Saud’s
father, Abdul-Rahman, fled with his family to Kuwait, leaving Riyadh
under the occupation of the Ottomans. In January 1902, Ibn Saud led
a raid to regain control of Riyadh.
The British sought the support of Ibn Saud through the diplomatic aid of “Abdullah” St. John Philby, who supposedly converted to Wahhabi Islam, though he also doubled as a Nazi intelligence agent. In 1915, the British had signed with Ibn Saud a “treatise of friendship and cooperation”, to be supported with British financing. By 1917, the Saudi ruler was receiving five thousand pounds per month.
Mustafa Kamal Ataturk
the instigation of Lawrence of Arabia, Hussayn’s son Faisal led the
Arab Revolt against the Ottomans. Faisal seized Damascus in 1918.
Five days after the conquest of Damascus by Faisal’s forces, an
armistice with the Ottoman Empire came into effect. The Ottoman
government effectively collapsed, and the empire was divided amongst
the victorious powers. France and Britain got control of most of the
Middle East while Italy and Greece were given much of Anatolia.
The Turkish people refused to accept this arrangement, however, and under Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the remnants of the Young Turk movement formed a government in Ankara, and created an army that forced the Greeks and Italians out of Anatolia, while the British and French refused to intervene.In Salonika in Greece, the heartland of Turkish Freemasonry, and the Young Turk movement, many Jews claimed that Ataturk was a “Doenmeh”, of the community of secret Jews descended from the followers of false messiah Shabbetai Zevi who converted to Islam.[23] And in 1923, when the Republic of Turkey was founded, it was Ataturk who was elected the republic’s first president. Then, in 1924, the Islamic Caliphate was formally abolished, bringing to an end thirteen centuries of consolidated Islamic rule.
The victory of the Allied forces against the Ottoman Turks marked the beginning of the end of WWI, and the central powers one by one surrendered, signing an armistice on November 11, 1918. At the end of the war, Faisal continued his advanced, and eventually took what is today Jordan, large parts of the Arabian peninsula and parts of southern Syria. However, unbeknownst to Hussayn, the British secretly negotiated the Sykes-Picot agreement, to divide up the Middle East according to terms drawn up by Rothschild parties. Arbitrary divisions were created, which largely exist to the present, including the creation of Syria, and Lebanon as French “protectorates”. Hussayn was betrayed, and granted rule only over Iraq, which, along with Trans-Jordan, and Kuwait, were effectively British entities, as was Palestine, which was accorded to the Zionists.
The mandate for Palestine was drafted
by Felix Frankfurter, the prominent American Zionist, who afterwards
became Chief Advisor in the White House to President Roosevelt, and
also United States Supreme Court Justice, and helped found the ACLU.
Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank’s
portrait from his mother, a descendent of the Prague Frankist
family.[24] According to Frankfurter,
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their
power from behind the scenes.”[25]
The League of Nations
By providing the
excuse that Hussayn lacked disciplined fighting forces to be able to
maintain the region, the British lent support to their agent Ibn
Saud. Therefore, after WWI, with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire,
and with British assistance, Ibn Saud and his Ikhwan, or
“brotherhood”, the shock troops of Wahhabism, set out to conquer the
entirety of the Peninsula. As described by Algar, in Wahhabism: A
Critical Essay:
Far from being spontaneous or autonomous development, the extension of Saudi control across the peninsula should therefore be placed in the context of the general reconfiguration of the Middle East that was then underway, largely under the charitable auspices of the British, ever generous with lands that were not theirs. It formed part of the same pattern as the division of the Arab lands of the Fertile Crescent into artificial units; the implantation of Zionism in Palestine under the protection of the British mandate; the establishment of the “secularist” Turkish Republic; and the rise of the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran.[26]
This Wahhabi conquest of the Arabian
peninsula, however, came at the cost of 400,000 killed and wounded.
Cities such as Ta’if, Burayda, and al Hufa suffered all out
massacres carried out by the Ikhwan. The governors of the various
provinces appointed by Ibn Saud are said to have carried out 40,000
public executions and 350,000 amputations. Ibn Saud’s cousin,
Abdullah ibn Musallim ibn Jilawi, the most brutal among the family,
set about subjugating the Shiah population, by executing thousands.
after a visit to the newly conquered Arabian peninsula, Rashid Rida
published a work praising Ibn Saud as the saviour of the Holy sites,
a practitioner of authentic Islamic rule and, two years later,
produced an anthology of Wahhabi treatises. Ultimately, the Salafi
and Wahhabism shared common fundamentals. Primarily, a disdain for
all developments in Islam subsequent to the first two generations of
Muslims, or the Salaf as Salih, the repudiation of Sufism, and the
abandonment of adherence to one of the Madhhabs, or four legal
schools otherwise followed by all of Sunni Islam.[27]
By 1924, the Wahhabis, through the instigation of “Abdullah” Philby, reconquered Mecca, and expelled the Hashimites. Ensuing protests to Wahhabi vandalism and cruelty rang out throughout the Muslim world, but in 1926, Ibn Saud called an international conference to ratify his control of the Haramayn. And, finally, in 1932, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially created, with British sanction. Even long before he had become King, the English monarch knighted Ibn Saud, and bestowed upon him the Order of the Bath, an order of chivalry founded by George I, the grandson of Frederick Elector of the Palatinate, and the highest honor accorded to nonroyalty.
Through the assistance of Jack Philby, Allen Dulles, a former president of the CFR, who would later head the CIA, then working for the firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, helped the Rockefeller oil companies gain Saudi Arabia, which would be the world’s single greatest oil resource, accounting for nearly half of total oil production.[28] In 1933, the Saudis granted oil concessions to California Arabian Standard Oil Company (CASOC), affiliate of Standard Oil of California, (Socal, today’s Chevron), headed by John D. Rockefeller Jr., of the Round Table, and a founding members of the CFR.
Ibn Saud and Roosevelt abord USS Quincy
1936, Socal and the Texas Oil Company had created a partnership,
which would later be named Aramco, or the Arabian-American Oil
Company. To Socal and Texaco were added the Standard of New Jersey
and Socony-Vacuum, the predecessors of Exxon Mobil. The Aramco
partners, along with British Petroleum (BP), Royal Dutch Shell, and
Gulf Oil combined as a cartel to control the price of oil, known
collectively as the Seven Sisters. With the Saudi royal family, they
controlled the world’s largest source of petroleum.
In 1945, Roosevelt met with Ibn Saud aboard the USS Quincy in Egypt, to forge an important US-Saudi economic alliance. Roosevelt had acted on the advice of Harold Ickes, then Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense, and a State Department which in December 1942 had noted, “It is our strong belief that the development of Saudi Arabian petroleum resources should be viewed in the light of the broad national interest.”[29] The Saudis, however, would be unable to concede to Roosevelt’s request to approve increased Jewish settlement in Palestine, due to the precarious task the Saudis had adopted for themselves, of pretending to defend Islam, though also supporting American interests in the region, and refraining the rest of the Arab world from aggressive action against Israel. Under the stipulated conditions, American military and technical personnel would be admitted to Saudi Arabia. A US Air Force base was built at Dharan in 1946. Britain however, retained the major responsibility of maintaining Western security interests for another decade. In return, the Saudis declared war on the Axis powers, doing so within a month of the meeting with Roosevelt, and were allowed to be included in the founding conference of the U.N.
[2] Simon Strickland, “Churchill’s Druids and Britain's Satanic Prime Minister”.
[3] Lon Milo DuQuette, “666: What's in a Number?” FATE Magazine, October 2005.
[4] Shack, Clifford. "The Rothschilds, Winston Churchill and the "Final Solution"".
[5] ibid.
[6] ibid.
[7] ibid.
[8] William Guy Carr. Paws in the Game, p. 77.
[9] Three World Wars. “Who Was Albert Pike?”; William Guy Carr. Paws in the Game, p. 77.
[10] Henry Makow, “The U.S. is a "Crown" Financial Colony”.
[11] Rabbi Antelman, To Eliminate the Opiate. Vol 1.
[12] Benjamin Freedman. "The Hidden Tyranny".
[13] Antelman, To Eliminate the Opiate. Chapter II: The Frankist Elite.
[14] Colin, Simpson, "The Lusitania".
[15] , David Allen Rivera. "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order".
[16] Carr, Paws in the Game, p. 102.
[17] ibid p. 103
[18] Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920.
[19] Melvin Sickler,"The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission".
[20] William Guy Carr. Paws in the Game. 90.
[21] Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, p. 139-40
[22] Shack, Clifford. "The Rothschilds, Winston Churchill and the "Final Solution".
[23] Scholem, Kabbalah. p. 331.
[24] Rabow, Jerry. 50 Jewish Messiahs. quoted from Barry Chamish, "Kerry, Gaza And The New Sabbatean Holocaust", Conspiracy Archive, Sept 10, 2004.
[25] Chamish, Barry. "The Deutsch Devils".
[26 Wahhabism: A Critical Essay, p. 42.
[27] ibid. p. 47.
[28] John Loftus and Mark Aarons, "The Secret War Against the Jews by John Loftus history".
[29] Engdahl, William. A Century of War. Chapter 7, "Oil and the New World Order of Bretton Woods."
SOURCE: World War One